After school hours – Fun & Frolic

We know school is a haven of information and enlightening lessons, but some non-academic activities can be a turning point in your kid’s life. Let your child make the most of the after-school hours that will have an impact on the physical, social and mental development of your child. Not to forget the influence these activities will have on your child’s confidence, behaviour and coordination. The Cradle and Swings Preschool offers a variety of after school child programs that helps your children in nurturing their overall personality. These activities help to develop communication as well as social skills.

The ‘After School Programme’ by Cradle and Swings Preschool offers:

  • Mandarin language learning
  • Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar for English language development
  • Drawing classes
  • Motor skill learning
  • Yoga for children


The program Mandarin language learning by Cradle and Swings Preschool is designed in such a way that it is divided into various levels from beginner to advanced. The program aims to cover all aspects of language learning be it reading, writing, speaking and listening.
The program motor skill learning helps your kids in making everyday tasks easier. Fine motor skills develop as your little one starts to use the small muscles in their body including hands, fingers, toes, wrists etc. These muscles help to perform actions like holding, grasping, pressing etc. Failing at these tasks will have a huge impact on your child’s self-confidence, academic performance and other skills.

The program Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar for English language development teaches children to read and write English with the help of phonics. The program is specially curated that teaches phonics, grammar, spellings and punctuation.

We all know how today’s children are plagued with a lot of pressure be it academic, sports or extra-curricular activities. These develop a feeling of insecurities and fear in children. The program ‘Yoga for children’ at Cradle and Swings Preschool helps to introduce yoga to your children that will set the foundation of a healthy and fit life. Not to forget the enormous benefits people derive from yoga. Introducing yoga to your kids at an early age will help to develop a sense of calmness, improve relaxation, increase confidence and enhance coordination, strength and flexibility in your little one.

Our Unique Features


Spacious &
Ventilated Classrooms

phonics icon

Literacy program based on
Jolly Phonics methodology, UK

motor skill learning

Theme &
Skill Based Learning


Handwriting without Tears®
(US) program

motor skill learning

Motor Skill Learning®,
an international physical development program

sensory gym

Specialised Sensory Gym
for children


Nutritious Food
& Snacks


Music &


Brain Gym®
Program for little ones


Kids Yoga by
Certified International Yoga Trainer