Pre School

Our Unique Features
Literacy program based on
Jolly Phonics, UK
Theme &
Skill Based Learning
Handwriting without
Tears®, US
Music &
Motor Skill Learning®, Switzerland
Literacy program based on
Jolly Phonics, UK
Theme &
Skill Based Learning
Handwriting without
Tears®, US
Music &
Nutritious Food & Snacks
Specialised Sensory Gym
Brain Gym®
for little ones
Yoga for Kids
Nutritious Food
& Snacks
Spacious &
Ventilated Classrooms
Specialised Sensory Gym
Brain Gym®
for little ones
Yoga for Kids
Motor Skill Learning®, Switzerland
Spacious &
Ventilated Classrooms
What makes us different?
We believe that every child is unique and develops at his/her own pace. The age 0 to 6 years is the most impressionable age and we strive to:
Awaken natural spirit, imagination and creativity
of children

Encourage a child's desire for independence and

Help children develop the kindness, courtesy, and

Develop child's ability to observe, learn and
explore ideas

Have questions? Call +917977704719 / +919820150447
Our Programmes

Play Group
AGE GROUP : 1 Year 10 Months– 2 Years 6 Months
DURATION : 10 months ( 5 days per week. )
TIME : 2 hrs

AGE GROUP : 2 Years 8 Months – 3 Years 5 Months
DURATION : 10 months ( 5 days per week. )
TIME : 2 hrs.

Day Care Center
FULL DAY – DAY CARE: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
HALF DAY – DAY CARE : 05hours / day

Mother Toddler
AGE GROUP : 1 Year 4 Months – 2 Years
DURATION : 3 months ( 3 days per week. )
TIME : 1 hrs 30 mins.

Activity Centers
Learning continues beyond school hours @ Cradle & Swings Activity Center!!